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WHU Awarded First Prize in “Challenge Cup” Hubei Division

Author:Hu Sijia

On June 6th, Wuhan University took first place in the Hubei division of the seventh “Challenge Cup,” a business plan competition for college students.  In addition to first place, WHU captured 5 gold prizes, 1 silver prize and 2 bronze prizes.

WHU’s winning projects covered biological medicine, electronic information, consultation services, materials, etc. With their emphasis  on addressing pressing societal problems, these projects demonstrated WHU’s strong educational emphasis on economic and social development.

At the award ceremony, investors, enterprises and the competition teams signed contracts for potential investment of 47.1 million yuan. In the open defense section of the competition, the team Xin- He-Bo-Na from WHU, delivered a great project presentation and defended their project thoroughly during question and answers, which ensured them the title of “Most Potential Prize”.

The province of Hubei has started to hold “Challenge Cup” competition for college students since 2000 and it is the leading competition for college students who want to start their own business.