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WHU Alumnus Selected as Fellow of American Academy of Science

Author:Qin Zunlu

On May 1, the American Academy of Science (AAS) chose Dong Xinnian, a Wuhan University (WHU) alumnus and now Professor of Duke University, as one of its 2012 new AAS fellows.


  Professor Dong Xinnian

Dong received her bachelor’s degree from WHU’s Department of Microbiology in 1982, and her doctoral degree from Northwestern University in 1988. From 1988 to 1991, Dong studied at Harvard Medical School conducting postdoctoral research on plant molecular biology. Her research on signal transduction pathways of salicylic acid and jasmonic acid mechanisms and prevention and treatment of plant viruses has led to advances in understanding plant systemic acquired resistance (SAR).

Dong’s family is full of outstanding WHU alumni: her father, Dong Fureng has been honored as a “Master of Economy in China” and “WHU Outstanding Alumni”, graduated from WHU Department of Economy in 1950 and worked in WHU as a professor. Dong Xinnian’s mother, Liu Ainian, studied at WHU from 1949 to 1953 and is a well-known ophthalmology expert in China. Wang Xiaofan, Dong Xinnian’s husbandd, graduating from WHU Department of Biology, holds an endowed professorship at the Duke University Medical Center. He was selected as a “WHU Outstanding Alumni” in 2010. Dong Xinzhong, Dong Xinnian’s younger brother, also studied at WHU and is now an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University Medical School.

Being a fellow of the American Academy of Science is recognized as a high honor in American academia. Only those who have made outstanding achievements in science & technology and engineering can be selected.