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WHU Releases Report on China’s Social Security System

Author:Qin Zunlu

Recently, the Wuhan University Center for Social Security Studies (CSSS) released 2011 Report on Social Security Reform and Development in China at a press conference in Beijing. This report comprehensively analyses the social security system reform in China and its future development.


Presented at the press conference were Wu Ritu, Member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and Deputy Director of NPC Financial and Economic Committee; Wang Yujun, Secretary of the Party Committee for Social Security Capacity Building Center under the Ministry of Human Recourses and Social Security (MOHRSS); Xie Hongxing, WHU’s Vice President; Wei Yiheng, Director of Social Achievement Division of the Department of Social Sciences under the Ministry of Education and Li Binsheng, the First Secretary of Secretariat of the All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU).

At the press conference, Deng Dasong, Director of WHU’s CSSS gave an introduction to the report, which systematically reviews the history and experience of China’s social security reform. Three major aspects are mentioned in the report concerning development trends of social security mechanism: the principles of reform, the short-term reform model and the long-term reform model. It covers both the current reform and future development in social security and related areas.

Through extensive media reporting, the press conference has drawn strong public attention, leading to a more informed and more supportive public of social security reform and development.