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WHU Law Professors Contributing to China’s First Blue Book of Human Rights

Author:Li Xiaoshu

The Blue Book of China's Human Rights (2011), annual report on China's human rights progress, was released by China Society for Human Rights Studies on September 8th 2011 in Beijing. This book is also the most comprehensive, most authoritative academic monograph on China’s human rights development to date. Mr. Zhang Wanhong, associate professor of WHU Law School, and his colleague Ding Peng participated and contributed the chapter on “the Rights of Disabled Persons” to the book.

The blue book details the experiences and lessons in the development of human rights in China, analyzes existing problems, and suggests the ways to further improve the situation of human rights protection. China has achieved great progress in the theory and practice of human rights protection since the introduction of reform and opening up. Besides the cause of China's human rights protection has also been legalized and institutionalized.

The chapter contributed by Associate Prof. Zhang and his fellow is also one of the research results of the Research Group on Contemporary Chinese Human Rights Law, which is sponsored by the university. Mr. Zhang also acts as director of the Research Centre of Public Welfare & Development Laws at WHU, and Ding Peng is a researcher of the Centre.

Reportedly, China Society for Human Rights Studies is currently taking the lead in drafting the second blue book on human rights. The Research Centre of Public Welfare & Development Laws of WHU will continue to work closely with the society.