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A High Performance Computing System Built at WHU

Author:Zhang Chen

A high-performance computing system, initiated by its School of Computer Science, has been launched at WHU recently. The computing capacity of this whole system amounts to 27.9 T Flops, which makes it among the best in universities nationwide and number one in universities in South-central China.

The new system is a heterogeneous one, consisting of CPU clusters, GPU clusters, SMP mainframes and storage systems. It boasts a complete range of software, and it is easy to operate. Besides, the system features a high scalability, and so it could handily integrate computing resources of all schools and university wide, constructing a larger and more powerful system which will be able to answer the increasing needs for high performance computing.

As an interdisciplinary public platform, the whole system will prop up the development of all disciplines and realize the effective aggregation and efficient sharing of computing resources of Wuhan University.