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Joint Commitment by GAPP & MoE to WHU Disciplines

Author:Li Xiaoshu

On August 1st, 2011, Prof. LI Jian, Chairman of WHU Council and Party Secretary of CPC Committee of WHU, paid a visit to the General Administration of Press & Publication (GAPP) of the People’s Republic of China, meeting with Deputy Minister JIANG Jianguo and other senior officials to discuss further cooperation between GAPP and WHU.

Prof. LI briefed the officials on the developments at WHU including what it has done for the press, publication and printing industries of the country. He proposed GAPP could collaborate with the Ministry of Education (MoE) to give stronger support to disciplines like journalism, publication and printing at WHU, and also GAPP could set up a training base of advanced talents in printing and packaging at WHU.

Deputy Minister JIANG commended WHU for its contribution to the development of China’s press, publication and printing industries, and he accepted the proposal of joint support to WHU.

Directors general from the GAPP’s Department of Human Resources Management and Department of Printing and Publication, and deans of WHU’s School of Information Management, School of Journalism & Communication, and School of Printing & Packaging, also attended the meeting.