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Renowned Scholar Prof. Ma Kechang’s Funeral Held

Author:Li Xiaoshu

Renowned Scholar Prof. Ma Kechang’s Funeral Held

Published:06-28-2011Author:Li XiaoshuViews:995

Renowned scholar Prof. Ma Kechang of WHU passed away at the age of 85. On the morning of June 26, Prof. Ma’s funeral was held in the Memorial Hall of Wuchang.

Prof. Ma’s funeral was held in the Memorial Hall of Wuchang

State leaders of the central government, including Li Changchun, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Political Bureau, and Zhu Rongji, former premier of China, all expressed their condolences in various ways. Zhang Jun, Deputy President of the Supreme People’s Court of Law, Guo Shenglian, Deputy Governor of Hubei Province, representatives of government organizations of different levels and legal profession, Prof. Li Jian, CPC Secretary of WHU, Prof. Li Xiaohong, President of WHU, colleagues, friends, and relatives of Prof. Ma, attended the funeral.

Professor Ma Kechang

Ma Kechang is a distinguished professor of law of WHU, a famous legal expert, one of the founding fathers of modern Chinese penal law, honorary president of the China Society of Penal Law, and special adviser to the Supreme People’s Court of Law.