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University of Dundee president visits Wuhan University

Author:Xi Bingqing, Tian Ye

On September 18, Iain Gillespie, president of the University of Dundee, visited Wuhan University. President Zhang Pingwen met with the guest, accompanied by Vice President Yuan Yufeng and relevant officials from the School of Urban Design and the Office of International Affairs.

Zhang Pingwen extended a warm welcome to Iain Gillespie. He noted that Wuhan University has a long and rich history of cooperation with Dundee University. The joint Sino-foreign cooperative program in architecture between the two universities has achieved remarkable results, cultivating a large number of international architectural talents. He hoped that the two universities would fully leverage their respective disciplinary strengths in the future and expand areas of collaboration, innovate cooperation forms, and establish a closer and more sustainable partnership.

Iain Gillespie expressed his gratitude for the warm reception at our university. He stressed that the University of Dundee has always attached great importance to the joint Sino-foreign cooperative program in architecture, which has achieved excellent results since its establishment 11 years ago. The University of Dundee will continue to fully support the positive development of the program while also supporting the exploration of cooperation in disciplines such as life sciences.

During the visit, Iain Gillespie, along with Yuan Yufeng, attended the opening ceremony for the 2024 cohort of the Sino-foreign cooperative architecture program and held a discussion with faculty members and student representatives from the School of Urban Design.

The University of Dundee, founded in 1881, is a world-class research university. With approval and registration from the Chinese Ministry of Education, the Sino-foreign cooperative architecture program between Wuhan University and the University of Dundee has been enrolling students nationwide since 2013. By September 2024, the program has enrolled 12 cohorts of students and graduated seven cohorts, yielding a total of 177 graduates.

 Rewritten by Yi Kecheng