
WHU advances exciton phase transition of 2D semiconductors

February 20, 2025

Professor He Jun's team from the School of Physics and Technology at Wuhan University (WHU) recently had their research published online in Physical Review Letters. It was selected as a cover article and Editor's Suggestion.

The paper, Room Temperature Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Two-Dimensional WS2 beyond Exciton Mott Transition, was authored by PhD student Xu Yan, with Professor He Jun and Researcher Yu Yiling as corresponding authors.

Exciton and Electron-Hole Plasma (EHP) transitions in two-dimensional semiconductors.

The study demonstrates that in two-dimensional semiconductors, exciton-mott transitions can induce amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in the electron-hole plasma (EHP) at room temperature. The team first proved that in monolayer WS2, changes in exciton density lead to precise reproduction of the optical dielectric response and emission characteristics of the two-dimensional semiconductor. The research also reveals that strong many-body quantum interactions between carriers are the key to achieving ASE.

This work provides new insights into exciton phase transitions and their optical properties in two-dimensional semiconductors, opening up new possibilities for developing advanced optoelectronic devices.

Link to paper: https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.066904