The Wuhan University Library, renowned for its rich history, extensive collection, majestic architecture, and serene environment, traces its origins to the Hubei Self-Strengthening School's library room established by Zhang Zhidong, governor of Hubei and Hunan provinces, in the late 19th century. Officially founded in 1917, it was named the National Wuhan University Library in 1928. The iconic library building on Lion Mountain by East Lake opened in 1935, followed by a new library at the campus center in 1985. After the merger of Wuhan University with three other universities in 2000, the library system was consolidated. Following expansions in 2011 and the opening of the information science branch in 2016, the library now spans a total service area of 112,333 square meters. This includes 77,389 square meters of library facilities, 14,242 square meters of reference rooms, and 20,702 square meters managed for the School of Cyber Science and Engineering Library.
The library is organized into six centers and three branch libraries: the Resource Development Center, Document Lending Center, Academic Exchange and Service Center, Ancient Book Preservation Center, Special Collections Center, and Technical Support Center; and the Engineering, Information Science, and Medical branch libraries. There are also library resources across 30 academic departments, research centers, and laboratories, forming a comprehensive literature service network.
The library offers a wide range of modern services, including lending, reading, information literacy education, reference consultations, sci-tech novelty searches, verification of document inclusion and citation, interlibrary loans and document delivery, research impact analysis, and intellectual property information services.
As of the end of 2023, the library's collection comprised 22.82 million items, including 7.32 million print materials: 6.04 million books, 880,000 bound periodicals, 180,000 maps, audiovisual and microfilm materials, and 220,000 theses. In the same year, the library subscribed to 572 databases, granting access to 15.5 million digital resources, including 13.02 million e-books and 2.48 million e-journals. Covering disciplines such as humanities, sciences, engineering, agriculture, and medicine, the library also houses over 200,000 ancient books. It has developed a comprehensive resource system that seamlessly integrates print, digital, and online information resources.
Website: https://www.lib.whu.edu.cn/