“Beauty is truth, truth beauty” -- John Keats “Ode on a Grecian Urn”
A smash of volleyball is like a firework bursting forth into the night sky or the dazzling sparks that fly when molten iron is struck. Beauty accomplishes its destined purpose in the moment of its sudden appearance. We are awestruck by the force it unleashes in that instant - brief yet brimming with vitality.
On March 19, the annual sports extravaganza known as the ‘Torch Cup’ volleyball tournament officially commenced at Wuhan University's Guiyuan Playground, Meiyuan Playground, and 912 Playground. This year's event prominently showcased 57 teams hailing from 30 schools of WHU, encompassing a total of 716 registered participants. Coinciding with the university's cherry blossom season, the volleyball matches and the blossoms alike turned their faces to the sun, infusing the spring day on campus with not only resplendent scenery but also boundless passion and energy.

The pre-game exhortations, rallying cries echoing through the air.

The battle between the red and blue teams.

That fleeting moment when ball meets the ether in mid-air.

The fervent tussle at the net's edge.

The ephemeral beauty suspended in flight.

A panoramic fusion of floral grace and kinetic artistry.

The fervid exchanges unfolding before the net's hallowed bounds.
A highlight of this year's Torch Cup was that all the referees were students. After undergoing pre-tournament training and assessments, the student referees confidently took up their posts.

Student referee signals for serve.
Passion and fervor intermingled with disappointment and poignant moments. The allure of volleyball lies in the fact that, despite the all-out effort and fierce competition on the court, regardless of the outcome, the players always shake hands after the match and encourage each other: "Bravo, bravo!" Opponents on the court, friends off it.

The post-match salutations, a show of mutual respect between players.

Group photo of the participating teachers and students of the School of International Education
The ‘Torch Cup’ volleyball tournament has been an integral part of Wuhan University for nearly 40 years, enriching students' extracurricular experiences and enhancing their physical fitness. It has witnessed generations of the university's students striving and growing. Each match is not merely a contest of skills but also a showcase of the players' unity, dedication, indomitable spirit, and open-mindedness - the epitome of sportsmanship.
Photo by: Zhang Rong, Lin Yangjie
Edited by: Issal, Cao Hangqian