Reservation for train tickets and flight tickets Students can book train or flight tickets in: Haiqiao Ticket Agency, Wuhan University Service Phone: 027—87863486 027—87682776 Tickets Centre, Wuhan University (1st floor of Labor Union of Wuhan University) Service Phone: 027—68762001 027—68761715 There are many other tickets service agencies around Wuhan University where tickets can be purchased directly. Transportation in the city Do stand steadily on the bus and fasten the security belt on taxi. Follow the traffic rules strictly, especially in expressway. Keep an eye on your properties and certificates when taking a bus. Bus routes around Wuhan University (Updated in June, 2005): Taxi service is also very convenient in China. The fee is charged by distance. Empty Taxi has a red sign of "空车(Empty)" near the front baffle. Please keep the invoice printed when you get off, you can contact the taxi or the taxi's company in case of any problems. |