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WHU Alumni Federation Convened Standing Council Conference
Author:  Date:2011-04-27  Clicks:
In 2010, WHU Alumni Federation made commendable efforts in its work. It has strengthened the communication between the alumni and the Alma Mater as well as among the alumni, promoted the work of branch alumni federation and improved the working system of the federation and mobilized the alumni resources to enhance the development of WHU. 

At the conference, Li Jian has announced the personnel of the new term of office. The new president of WHU Alumni Federation is Li Xiaohong, and the Vice-president are Li Jian, Li Qingquan, Wang Chuanzhong, Zhou Chuangbing, Xie Hongxing and Chen Ming.

“For a long time now, WHU’s alumni has made great contribution to the Alma Mater’s development. Among all the supporting organizations, the Alumni Federation is the most amiable and sustained force,” President Li said at the conference. 


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