November 30th witnessed an evening party for all the rock music lovers in and around the WHU campus! Hundreds of people come to the Meiyuan sports ground to enjoy this great music feast. The 4th WHU rock music festival was held by the Wuhan University Youth League Committee and organized by the Wuhan University Original Music Association, a school-level student society.

There were 5 rock bands present at the festival, listed in their performance order: Burning Heart, Meat Sucks, Flower Bug, Supper Moment, and Killer Soap.
The Burning Heart is a Wuhan local hard rock band, who has had a lot of performances and vocal concerts with other well-known Wuhan local bands and musicians. They have already earned a reputation on the music scene for their special band style.

Now, it’s time to get down to Meat Sucks! The special crystal-clear female voice of the vocal Yu Maotang swiftly fascinated the audience like a dose of freshener after an obstinate hangover. Their hit songs are “Buried Truths”, “Deserted Words” and “All the Sorrow”. This amazingly burgeoning Wuhan rock band has already released two albums in four years and gained lots of fans.

The next was the Flower Bug, whose members come from different universities to share their music dream. Their representative songs are “Flower Bug”, “Shade”, ”What a view” and so on. The lead singer, Wang Jie, gave a passionate stage performance, delighting the audience.

Here comes the best rock music live atmosphere maker: Supper Moment from Hong Kong! You had to be kindled up by their enthusiastic performance. This was definitely the climax of the show. The Vocal Sunny Chan came down the long catwalk to shake hands with fans. The audience was exhilarated by the interpretation of their hottest hits: “Infinite”, ”The Last Supper”, ”Robot” and “The World Has Changed”. 8 years have passed since their debut.

The most expected band finally came out—the Killer Soap. Killer Soap has already become a mature rock music band in Hong Kong. They have released three albums in ten years after their first debut and have held one national music tour. Their popularity sky-rocketed on the mainland after the vocalist, Rocky Chan, performed and got acclaimed in the Voice of China competition, a popular TV entertainment show on the mainland. They performed “Unconsciously”, “Half Moon Serenade” and other popular songs the band has made, producing waves of screaming within the audience.
The WHU rock music festival is held twice a year, respectively in June and November. The Groombridge, a band from Switzerland attended the last rock music festival. As for the organizer, Wuhan University Original Music Association has already released two albums named “Luoying I” and “Luoying II”. All the songs in the albums are created by their members independently. The Association also offers small shows produced by the members in the campus every couple of weeks.

(Photo by Jingyu Guo, edited by Sijia Hu & Diana)