--Duke Day at Wuhan University
“Duke Day at Wuhan University” was held on October 14th with the presence of Vice Provost Lawrence Carin of Duke University and Chancellor Liu Jingnan of Duke Kunshan University along with several professors and scholars. Scholars from WHU and Duke had an in-depth discussion about further collaboration between the two universities, which represents a brand-new stage for the substantial cooperation in WHU-Duke Institute.
Executive President Feng Youmei of WHU expressed her hope for a bright future of the two universities at the meeting with representatives of Duke University. She mentioned that with the effort of WHU and Duke, DKU has realized great development. “Duke University is a wonderful partner,” she said. “To establish a comprehensive cooperation is the goal to both WHU and Duke.”

Professor Lawrence Carin mentioned it was the third time he visited WHU this year and spoke highly of what Duke and WHU had achieved together so far. He said that through the collaboration with Wuhan University, Duke University hoped to be the center of excellence in understanding China.
Professors of Duke University gave several lectures during “Duke Day”. Professor Mike Bergin, Professor Michelle Bergin and Professor ZHANG Junfeng delivered speeches on the topic of atmospheric environment at the Remote Sensing State Key Laboratory; Professor David Brady introduced compressive tomography and Professor Lawrence Carin lectured on the topic of the introduction to deep learning at the School of Mathematic and Statistics. About 300 students and teachers across the campus gathered to listen to the lectures and acquired new perceptions on “Big Data”, “high resolution image” and “environmental health”.

Professor Lawrence Carin visited the Institute of Quality Development Strategy in the morning of October 14th. Academician Liu Jingnan, Professor Li Hui, assistant to the Chancellor of Duke Kunshan University and Professor Cheng Hong, director of Wuhan University IQDS also attended the meeting. Professor Cheng Hong briefed on the cooperation with Duke University and Duke Kunshan University in establishing International Quality Management Research Center from the aspects of study field, main goal and social service. They reached the consensus of regular expert exchange and joint academic communications.

After the visit in IQDS, Professor Lawrence Carin discussed with the School of Mathematic and Statistics about the details of joint research on “Big Data” and planned for the allocation of joint research funds. Duke University also invited students who are doing research of “Big Data” to attend the “Big Data Camp” in Duke next summer.
Duke Representatives also carried out detailed discussions with School of Electronic Information, School of Resources and Environmental Sciences, School of Civil Engineering and School of Public Health on several joint research proposals.
Guests from Duke University took a short stroll inside the campus after the meetings and lectures. They climbed onto the top floor of administration building and were deeply impressed by the stunning view of WHU. “This is just amazing,” said Professor Michelle Bergin, “I love how all of the old Chinese style buildings are standing among the trees. It gives me the impression of an university with history and cultural background.”

Wuhan University and Duke University have established a Sino-American partnership and founded Duke Kunshan University (DKU) under accreditation approval by China’s Ministry of Education in September 2013. DKU welcomed its inaugural class of students in August 2014. The WHU-Duke Institute is aimed to deepen the research cooperation and to help DKU morph into a world-class liberal arts and research university. “Wuhan University Duke Day” is one of the great ways to promote bilateral cooperation. WHU is invited to attend the “WHU Day” in Duke University next year in June.
(Edited by Yinglun Liu & Sijia Hu)