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A World Grad School Tour--The 7th IGSF Held Successfully in WHU
Author:Zihan Song  Date:2015-11-04  Clicks:

The Seventh International Graduate Scholar Fair (IGSF), hosted by the China Scholarship Council, was held at Wuhan University on October 20th, with the participation of more than 70 universities and institutes from 13 different countries including University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, King’s College London, The University of Sydney, The University of Melbourne, University of Queensland, University of Alberta, The University of Auckland, Hanyang University, French Embassy - Campus France and the Australian Embassy, China. More than 2500 students from WHU and other universities in Wuhan attended the fair to consult with university delegations about CSC scholarship programs, foreign government scholarship programs, university admission information, visa and other issues.

The fair was held in the gymnasium in the Faculty of Engineering, featuring open consultation and lectures held simultaneously during the fair. Representatives of overseas organizations spoke with the students face-to-face about academic program requirements and availability, advantages and opportunities in various disciplines, admission policies and scholarship information. China Scholarship Council, Australian Embassy, China; German Academic Exchange Service, Queensland University of Technology, Monash University, University of Calgary and Southern Cross University also gave lectures providing students more details about graduate school admission and scholarships.

At the lecture, Long Man, director of CSC Division of Planning and Development, introduced the CSC educational exchange policy. She encouraged students to seize the opportunity and work hard to realize their dreams. Her useful advice to students on study and doing research was received with rounds of applause.

University of Cambridge, a world-renowned university in Britain, was the most popular university among students during the fair. Students with transcripts and resumes in hands formed a long queue in front of the consulting table of Cambridge, waiting for their turn. Sue Osterfield represented Cambridge, remarking that “Cambridge values the academic abilities and potentials of the students,” said Osterfield, “And I promise Cambridge will follow the principles of fairness and equality when considering the admission of international students.”

Jiang is a WHU student from the School of Journalism and Communication who wants to take his doctorate in media study at University of Leeds. “I talked to the representatives of Leeds about my current status of study,” he said. “They helped me analyze the future plan for my career and gave me information of many scholarship programs.” Jiang is grateful that the IGSF provided him with the chance to talk directly to his dream school. “I really hope I can go to Britain to further my study through the CSC scholarship program.”

The International Graduate Scholar Fair, hosted by China Scholarship Council and organized by Dongfang International Center for Educational Exchange and prestigious universities in China, has been held annually since 2009. The fair has established a platform of scholarship information exchanges for more than 100 eminent universities from 21 countries and for the benefit of more than 40 thousand outstanding Chinese university students. IGSF aims to facilitate the implementation of the Postgraduate Study Abroad Program of CSC, to foster face-to-face communication between overseas institutions and excellent Chinese students who are interested in pursuing graduate studies with the sponsorship of CSC at overseas institutions, and to promote cooperation and exchanges between China and institutions abroad.

The 7th IGSF helped students in WHU know more about overseas universities and also helped deepen the cooperation between Wuhan University and other prestigious universities both domestically and abroad. Through IGSF, WHU hopes to further the comprehensive and substantial cooperation with highly regarded universities in education and scientific research.

In recent years, Wuhan University has given priority to educational internationalization and has established substantial cooperative relationships with 218 universities—22% percent of which rank in the world’s top 100 universities. There are 67 joint degree programs, 152 student exchange programs and more than 10 short-term summer/winter programs. In 2014, 2,508 students went aboard through all kinds of international exchange programs. Through the CSC scholarship program for graduate students, 45 students were joined doctoral programs and 115 students were sent for joint PhD programs. Wuhan University continues to earn a remarkable reputation worldwide with its active engagement in international cooperation and exchange.

(Edited by Editing Group & Gretchen)


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