Professor Xia Jun from School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, WHU was elected as a fellow of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS in 2015.. Born in September, 1954, he is an expert in hydrology and water resourceand came to teach at Wuhan University in 1991.
Prof. Xia pioneers in proposing the theory of hydrological nonlinear system identification which contributes to solving the problem of nonlinear response relationship of rainfall runoff. He was the first to discover the rule of time variant runoff which revealed the hydrological nonlinear mechanism. All those systematic research results have been made full use of in the Huai River, the Yellow River and the Yangtze River valleys as well as in Tarim River and China inland river basin. His research findings have reduced the probability of water pollution by 75% in the branches of Huai River, which has been highly spoken of. He has made great breakthroughs in research of nonlinearity, spatial and temporal variation and uncertainty of runoff simulation and regulation in a changing environment, promoting the fundamental research of hydrological research,
Professor Xia is also an active participant in international cooperation and research towards water issues all over the world. His systematic research results are well accepted by international academia. In 2011, he was awarded the “Outstanding Contribution Award of International Water Resource Management” by TWCWM. In 2014, he won the highest award in the field of international hydrological science, that is, the “International Hydrology Prize-Volker Medal” by IAHS, UNESCO, and WMO. Prof. Xia is the first Chinese to win this award. He works as the associate editor of international journal Hydrological Sciences Journal and Hydrological Engineering of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Successively elected as the vice president of IAHS and the president of IWRA, he has played a pivotal role in international water organizations of global impact including World Water Council (WWC) and think tank on water resources, making a great contribution to enlarging China’s international influence.
As a leader of National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China (973 Project), Prof. Xia and his team have undertaken a number of national-level and ministerial-level scientific and research projects in the field of hydrology and water resources He has published more than 400 academic journal articles, among which 134 are included in SCI and 157 in EI.
(Rewritten by Yuxuan Zhu, edited by Mengtian Wang & Sijia Hu)
(An interview with Professor Xia Jun: http://en.whu.edu.cn/info/1050/2085.htm)