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WHU Wins China’s First Science Grand Slam
Author:Sijia Hu  Date:2014-03-13  Clicks:

At China’s first Science Grand Slam in Beijing, Yu Yang, a lecturer in Wuhan University’s School of Urban Design, won first prize.

The Science Grand Slam originated in Germany in 2006. It is a trendy English research competition, where participants demonstrate the pleasure and entertainment in science. The Science Grand Slam is an opportunity for young researchers and students to challenge themselves, show their personality and introduce their research. This year’s competition was co-organized by EURAXESS Links China,Think in China and Understanding Science.

In the preliminary round, participants submitted a 10-minute video introducing their research in humorous and plain language. Six participants were then selected for the  final round.

In the finals, Yu Yang got an ovation from the audience with his hand-drawn Power Point slides, unique style, strong oral English and beautiful singing.

As the first prize winner, Yu Yang travelled to Brussels for the International Academic Conference on the Voice of Scientific Researchers. He made a speech on “Solving the Environment Problem with Innovative Scenery Wetland” which was well received by the 200 audience. He also networked with the other global winners from the U.S., ASEAN, Brazil, India and Japan competitions along with various researchers and government officers, with whom he discussed the career tracks of researchers.


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