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WHU Discusses Academic Integrity
Author:Shuanglin Huang  Date:2014-05-12  Clicks:

At 4 p.m. on May 8th, Professor Du Qinggang director of Wuhan University Foreign Languages and Literature School gave a lecture on “How to Learn Rigorously.”

Professor Du began his free talk with a quotation from the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen to stress the importance of academic integrity as a fundamental criterion for researchers. He narrated to students his own experiences in France, emphasizing the division between east and west in how they view academic honesty. As the speech progressed, he made an audience of postgraduate students understand the vital importance of academic integrity. Then he shifted to explain how to properly attribute others’ work in one’s dissertation. He summarized the lessons into “Three cards, Two Notes”: transcribing predecessors’ essays on a card with extra attention to author, date, page and version; writing down comments on predecessors’ essays on a card; putting down one’s own thoughts on a card; and finally writing down own ideas using bilingual annotations so that one can better and make use of language. Professor Du concluded his lecture by saying: “may rigorous attitude and wise expression help you reach the peak of academic life.”

As a renowned French scholar, his speech attracted a large audience and carried special weight among the attendees.



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