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Scholars Discuss Transnational Management at Luojia
Author:Qiwei Zhao, Liang Ma  Date:2014-05-26  Clicks:

On May 14th, the Sixth International Academic Seminar of Transnational Management, and the Second International Academic Seminar of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Management finished. Seventy experts gathered and discussed these fields over a period of three days.

The conference was sponsored by the China National Natural Science Foundation,  and was jointly hosted by the Transnational Management International Society, Wuhan University School of Economics and Management, Lancaster University School of Management, and Laurentian University School of Management, while the WHU Department of Business Adiministration in Economics and Management School was the lead organizer. Of the 70 experts and scholars that attended the conference, 40 came from 20 different countries around the world.

At the opending ceremony, WHU’s Executive President Feng Youmei pointed out that the conference played an important role in building international cooperation for the WHU Economics and Management School through developing networks and cultivating an academic brand.

The conference mainly focused on how the natural environment should coexist with globalization forces, how to facilitate the development of politics, economics and business through cross-cultural cooperation, and the new social responsibility of enterprises and their importance to world peace and prosperity. The conference also discussed how enterprises can achieve mutual cooperation and success in a globalized environment.

In addition to the conference, Feng Youmei also met with Andrew Atherton to discuss building cooperative relationships between their respective universities.

(Rewritten by Xixi Li, edited by Yoni)


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