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WHU Promotes Sino-Germany Scientific Research Collaboration on Global Change Monitoring
Author:Xinyu Xu  Date:2015-10-29  Clicks:

This October, the project called Modern Geodetic Space Techniques for Global Change Monitoring, initiated by University of Stuttgart in Germany,  and Wuhan University as one of the primary applicants, was officially launched, with Vice President Li Jiancheng acting as the co-chief scientist.

This project aims at exploring changes of the main components of the earth system such as atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere by using existing Space Geodesy technologies including very-long-baseline interferometry, satellite laser ranging, global navigation satellite system, satellite remote sensing, satellite altimetry, synthetic aperture radar interferometry, satellite gravimetry and so on. In addition, there will be exchange visits of scholars and students from different levels, co-held seminars and forums, which offer a platform to boost international education and the application of new international collaborative scientific research program.

It is reported that this project is a cooperative network project plan of strategic partner and monographic study of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This plan, initiated by University of Stuttgart and Wuhan University serving as primary partner, was jointly declared by Tongji University, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping (CASM) with several European universities and research institutions. At the beginning of 2015, it passed the official review and received funding. Professor Sneeuw from University of Stuttgart serves as the chief scientist and Li Jiancheng as the co-chief scientist.

Wintermantel, the chairman of DAAD, called this project “new generation” grants program in Germany, which will “strengthen the cooperative network between German universities and foreign elite ones, facilitating the internationalization of German universities and colleges”.

This September, from 19th to 23rd, Doctor. Cai Jianqing, who is the executive coordinator of this program came to visited WHU and had an in-depth exchange of views on project executive details with Vice President Li Jiancheng, Professor Jiang Weiping, the project coordinating director in Wuhan University, as well as professor Yao Yibin, a project member and the assistant dean of CASM Wu Lan.

As described, this project will deepen the cooperation and communication among Wuhan University, University of Stuttgart and other institutions, so as to further enhance the international influence of geodesy and related disciplines.

(Rewritten by Xiaopei Dai, edited by Weixue Li & Sijia Hu)



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