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Don’t cry over the farewell, darling
Author:Liu Xuan  Date:2022-06-12  Clicks:

It is the rosy cloud

That endows her the brilliance and heroic bearing

Like the Promethean fire, wild and proud

She blossoms in the end of the spring

The truth neednt be yelled out aloud

And the nobles will live without blushing

Before Mother Nature she has vowed

So just wait for the brilliant blooming

Along with a tide of romance and splendor

The fragrant spring is in the air

She weaves a net of flower

With the branches swaying like her hair

Her genuine enthusiasm

Will blow over the limpid brooks and lush hills

Until it reaches our impatient hearts.

People are enchanted with the stunning rose

Lovers are also touched by her warmth

Among the flowers

They make their vows, hand in hand

With each word demonstrating the grandeur of their youth

Quietly she smiles too

For she has the same romantic dream to pursue

She lifts her eyes

And looks at the flaming sun

She had known when she flowered

It was him who gave her the vitality

And the inexhaustible warmth

She cherishes his fervency

Appreciates his dedication

Towards the universe where the sun lies

She has bared her soul in the way of a rose

For billions of times

But the sun is too far away

To hear her sincere words

The stone by the roadside laughed at her arrogance

He is immense, while you are tiny

He is eternal, while you are temporary

Why are you chasing a dream

At last youll find it all in vain

So learn from me, sit near a stream

Surely it will soothe your pain

The rose smiles as before

Replies word by word

Neither overbearing nor servile

Why do you think you can understand

The vigorous romance in my heart

My love for him will never fall apart

Try hard to love, try hard to live

Only then can we attain enlightenment of life

If we are false and indifferent

Well always get hurt by the endless pain

Maybe in the next instant

My life will suddenly fade

But my faithful love

Makes it meaningful and colorful

When the sunset glow

Is finally eroded by the shadow

The sun gets closer to the land

The rose spells out her love once again

The sun eventually hears her call

Moved by her heart and soul

He shines his golden light as his love

To travel through the universe and hold her tight

The roses tiny body begins to quiver

Her hope for true love is fulfilled

A few days later

People find the rose, withered

Her life has quietly elapsed

But the blossoms on the ground

Shining with the ripple of glorious splendor

Proves her immortal romance and spirit.

Written by Luojia Jiyin

Rewritten by Wang Ziyan

Edited by Cao Mi, Sylvia, Xi Bingqing


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