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Plum blossom
Author:  Date:2023-05-06  Clicks:

Lasting from the beginning of March to the end of the month, from the early spring with its lingering cold [21] to the early summer when the rains arrive, the Wuhan University plum blossom season seems to be particularly long. As you enter the world of plum blossoms, time appears to slow down among the blooming flowers.

The plum blossoms in Wuhan University are of various colors, but no matter which color, they are beautiful with delicate pink, warm red and light white…

Among trees of blooming plum blossoms, students merrily take pictures, bursting with exuberant energy. There are also old men in their twilight doing Tai Chi, presenting roundness and open-mindedness.

After a few showers, the green lawn is covered with petals that have been knocked off, which is regrettable, and for no apparent reason reminds people of ‘Daiyu burying the flowers’.

The plum blossom season offers periods of gorgeous bloom and also times when petals fade into the mud, but be it beginning and or end, each stage is meaningful and worthy of appreciation.

Rewritten by Chenyu

Edited by Yi Kecheng


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