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Fu Xiangdong's Research Group Publishes an Article in Cell

Author:Xue Yang

On July 31st, Fu Xiangdong’s research group, from Wuhan University’s School of Life Sciences, published it’s latest finding on the internationally renowned magazine Cell with Zhang Xiaorong as the first author and Fu Xiangdong as the corresponding author .

The title of the article is MicroRNA Directly Enhances Mitochondrial Translation during Muscle Differentiation. The mitochondrion mentioned in the article is a semi-autonomous organelle existing in every eukarya cell, and has its own transcription and translation system. Its main function is to provide direct energy ATP for vital movement. It also participates in the procedure of cellular metabolism, signal transduction and programmed cell death, etc. This research reveals the new regulation mechanism for chondriogen’s expression and provides a new explanation for muscle cell development program.

In the last 9 years, with the aim of pursuing academic excellence, graduate students and young teachers supervised by Fu Xiangdong frequently published papers on top journals because of the extraordinary time and energy input. This article published on Cell is the first one that was fully completed in the school. The first author Zhang Xiaorong took 8 years to finally complete this research.

What Professor Fu Xiangdong brings to WHU is more than a laboratory. He often involves himself in the academic exchange with teachers and students, and introduces the latest research technique and achievement abroad and passes on his academic experience to WHU’s teachers and students.

(Rewritten by Shangwu Yao, edited by Sijia Hu)