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30 WHU Dissertations Considered Excellent
Author:Sijia Hu  Date:2014-03-06  Clicks:

At the Hubei province PhD thesis defense seminar, 30 Wuhan University doctoral dissertations were awarded the distinction of excellent, meaning that almost a quarter of the entire province's winners came from WHU.  Four of the highly regarded papers came from WHU’s School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences and four from the School of Life Sciences.

In recent years, Wuhan University has undertaken to raise the quality of dissertations by improving the quality of graduate supervisors, organizing interdisciplinary and academic forums for doctoral students, reforming the mentoring system, creating oral defense training, improving the dissertation review system and supporting the publication and promotion of well-regarded dissertations

Being selected as having written an excellent dissertation is another important incentive that encourages graduate students to produce high-quality work and an effective way to recognize great scholastic success.


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